Saturday, February 22, 2014


Since this is my first post, I assume it is traditional to say a little bit about my intent toward this blog.  Although I may stray from topic, and I would not be me if I didn't, this blog is for sharing photos and ramblings regarding two of my favorite hobbies:  scale modeling and Johnny West.

I started modeling a year or two before Johnny West was put on the shelves.  First model kit I remember owning was an Aurora Superman kit.  

Aurora was king as far as I was concerned.  They made everything I could ever want.  After Superman there were monsters and later characters and vehicles from television and just every little thing I could dream of having on a shelf.  Admittedly I was rather young and my control over matters financial were pretty much limited to "Mom, can I have...?" along with Christmas and birthdays, but I still wanted them all!
Nowadays I have a fairly decent collection of what I wanted, between originals and re-issues, as those I had when I was a kid have long since gone the way of the dodo.  There are still a few on my want list, but such is life.  I will be sharing them with you in the days to come.  That being said, I would be remiss in not mentioning my modeling interests have grown beyond just Aurora since those halcyon days of the the early 1960's and I will share that with you too.

My other major interest is Johnny West.  Eleven and a half inches of Cowboy with enough gear to choke a horse right in the box with him.  Including a coffee cup.  Who doesn't love a figure that comes with it's own coffee cup?  I will admit back in the mid-60's to liking G.I. Joe more than Johnny.  Over the years, my enjoyment of Johnny grew and my fondness for Joe waned.  Johnny has a wife, Jane (actually two of them, but that is a story for another time), plus Cavalry figures, Native Americans, Daniel Boone (technically, Daniel came first) and even children (my least favorite figures, and yes, I know, I am wrong, the kids are great, I have been told so many times over the years).  If you are not familiar with the Best of the West line, you will get the opportunity to learn more about them as we go along.
I will be sharing my collection and my customs (yes, some of us make our own) with you as time goes by.
All of the above being said, I really want this blog to be about the things I like, not just a history of one toy company or model company.  For Aurora I will start with the Silver Knight, the first figure kit they made, and move on through the 1970's.  But there will also be kits from Hawk, Moebius, Atlantis, Toy Biz and others.  Stay tuned, it should be a lot of fun!

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