Thursday, March 6, 2014

Aramis, the Third Musketeer from Aurora 1959

Alas and alack, I do not own the third Musketeer.  Fortune has not yet smiled upon me so this set of figures is not yet complete.  Aramis is the third figure on my Aurora want list, right below the Silver Knight and the Viking.  

Oh, happy day!  The above is no longer totally true.  I have an Aramis.  I also have a Silver Knight, but the elusive Viking still exceeds my grasp.  Maybe Atlantis will mange to get a re-issue out someday.  See below for my built up Aramis and a photo of all three crossing swords.  I am keeping the photo of Athos and Porthos crossing swords just for posterity.  Or because I am too lazy to delete it.  One or the other.
Aramis was issued in 1959 like the other two Musketeers and was not re-issued in later years to the best of my knowledge.  These figures also came in a 3-pack with paint, blue and a brush for $3.49.
Below is an image of the box and a photo of the two I do own crossing swords.

I mentioned the Mole People model kit made by Horizon in 1988.  Although I have not finished the base, I do have a photo of the completed figure to share

Diorama Diary

I just received another box of figures for the display.  These guys are going to replace the crew of the Sdkfz 251/1 since we are not in a combat situation. 

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