Monday, March 3, 2014

The Crusader and Viking from Aurora 1958/59

Aurora quickly expanded the line of figure kits after the success of the Knights.  Some of the kits you would have to look elsewhere for information on, as some have not been re-issued and do not actually appeal to me enough for me to pay for originals.  That being said, I will put a list of the kits which did not make my want list at the bottom just so anyone interested has a starting place for their research.  

The next kit in my collection is the Crusader from 1958 (or 1959, sources vary on the release date).  I picked this one up as a glue bomb at an estate sale not too long ago.  I really got lucky on this one, because a woman picked it up and was showing it to her friend.  They were considering buying it because a local high school team is named the Crusaders.  They decided it did not look good enough to be displayed and put it back.  Happy Dance!
 I was able to disassemble it to some degree and spent quite a bit of time cleaning it up.  Then I primed and painted it, which is not as easy as it might sound since it had the decals applied and I did my best to preserve them.  With the pose and the base I pretty much consider this another knight.  

The second item still on my want list is the Viking, also from the same year(s).  I am including an image of the box for the Viking.  Atlantis models has announced they will be making a re-issue of the Viking and they have already re-issued the Viking Ship which came out from Aurora at the same time.

OK, for the list of Aurora figure kits from this time period which I do not plan on adding to my collection:
Guys and Gals of All Nations Series
Mexican Caballero
Mexican Senorita
Chinese Mandarin
Chinese Girl
Scotch Lad
Scotch Lass
Indian Chief
Indian Squaw
Dutch Boy\
Dutch Girl

US Air Force Pilot (later re-made as Steve Canyon)
US Sailor
US Army Infantryman
US Marine
US Marshal (later re-made as Jesse James, which I do want)
Apache Warrior on Horse
Confederate Raider