Monday, March 17, 2014

Godzilla from Aurora 1964

He is not a Universal Monster, but the kit is definitely one of the 13 monster kits.  Wow.  He is big.  If you don't believe me, just look at the size of the buildings he is trampling under his feet.  This is a good looking kit which I had a lot of fun building.  The original kit was molded in hot pink plastic.  I have no idea who came up with that!  Maybe three was a sale on?
Below is the original box, glow box and my built up.

Wow.  Just wow.  I wanted a nice sized USS Constitution to build and put on my mantle.  Wanted one for quite a while now, as a matter of fact.  Never wanted to get off the money for one, but wanted one.  I guess it is true good things come to those who wait.  I have one.  I just got the Revell Constitution.  This is 32" long when assembled.  1223 parts.  See the photo below.  I picked up this item, which is complete and unbuilt, at an estate sale for $10.
As if that was not enough, I also got the next few items for my shadow box in the same box.  Check out the photos of the glue tube and Exacto set which were in a small brown bag inside the kit.  Glue is really just not priced at 35 cents anymore!  This is pretty much unused stuff from late 60's early 70's.  Thrilled to have it!

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