Saturday, October 31, 2015

Godzilla's Go-Kart 1965 & Jamie West

The last of the Monster Rods from Aurora.  This one also works for me.  I like it almost as much as a Weird-Oh.  This one looks to me like more thought and time went into the design than on the first four.  

Odd thing about this one, Polar Lights did a re-issue in the late 90's so you would think you could pick one up for about the same cost as the other 5, about 10 to 20 bucks each.  Not this time.  Apparently you can't poke fun at the big guy when he has a movie coming out, because Polar Lights had to recall and store/destroy (depending on the reporter) their run of this kit by order of the copyright holders.  There were a couple of Godzilla movies getting ready to come out and they did not want a joke kit hurting them in the box office.  Godzilla 2000 did ok, but the decision to have PL pull the re-issue of the kit means one will cost you anywhere from $50 to $100.

Original box:

My built up:

Johnny West Corner

Jamie West

The West family had four children to help the run the Circle X Ranch.  I am not that fond of the kids, but I know they have a lot of fans among the Johnny collectors.  Jamie is the brown haired boy and was first issued in 1967.  Not sure why, but the boys had soft plastic pistols and knives, instead of the hard plastic included with the adult figures.

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